The kind of highschool newspaper you always wanted - and this one is even online! It's young, it's fresh, it comes in garish colors, and it can talk about issues such as 'Michael Brown Was Shot: Why, How, When, What, WHAT, WUT?' or what to do when you have a crush on your math teacher (and how can you say No to an advice column whose author is introduced as "kat_rosenfield: Kat Rosenfield is a writer, illustrator, advice columnist, YA author, and enthusiastic licker of that plastic liner that comes inside a box of Cheez-Its. She loves zombies and cats. She hates zombie cats.") with the same depth and balance and without hitting a single false note that would have made me go 'Blaagh - phony!' as a teen. And it dishes up language hot from the forge, the Next Generation of language if you will, without making it sound trite right out of the gate.
Enjoy the Sparklife on:
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